Black Watch to home by Xmas huh? In Body Bags maybe... Another one bought the farm today. Confiscate the Towel heeds driving license's I say.
Go away, you atavistic, racist fuck. It is your policies of hate that perpetuate the killing of our lads, albeit from the other side. Harry [Edit - pressed enter too early]
no matter what the reasons for these troops being there, in my opininion it doesn't help the media reporting each individual death of a BRITISH soldier. We can't expect the US to take all the casualties as Blair is in partnership with Bush. We should support them in the job they're doing UNTIL the goverment realise it's a waste and withdraw our troops - but in all honesty it's to a point now where i can't see Blair withdrawing because he's so far down the road with dubya. Although it's an excellent leadership opportunity for Gordon Brown to gain MASSIVE amounts of votes in the leadership battle thats supposedly coming soon - He boots out Blair, denounces him and his ideas, he makes the 'tough desicion' to withdraw troops - the country love him for it. phah.
I somehow doubt that that will be of any comfort to their families. They shouldn't even be there in the first place.
but they are, they have also taken the queen's shilling and pledged allegiance to the british army and whilst doing so knew the risks involved. when you join the forces you are very much aware that you may be asked to work in a warzone. pulling out of iraq now will solve nothing, we entered this war side by side with the U.S. we now have to deal with the consequences. british troops are going to die, that is a sad fact, however saying that we should only let the americans deal with the most dangerous areas is pointless. our armed forces pride themselves on being the best trained forces in the world, their expertise will be needed in the more troublesome areas of iraq if a peaceful solution will ever be obtained. i do believe the war was uneccesary and unjust, however that is now an irrelavance. we must deal with situation we are in the best way we know how, and if that involves british troops on the frontlines then so be it.