Bit Torrent Users.... After a bit of help folks! Gonna start distributing the Promise/Always mixes etc. thru BitTorrent - meaning downloads can be nice and fast... As long as ppl share what they download Can ppl using BitTorrent please give this a try please...just see what sorta speeds we can get.... There's only 1 or 2 seeds wont be super quick..but will get quicker the more ppl download/share it Cheers!
yup - jus wanna get loads of ppl using it mate. if every1 who wants to download it - gets it with bit torrent..and keeps the files shared...means nice n quick for every1 else to get
i dont fully understand it but iv had it for a while and have downloaded many sets iv got bittornado, its good, heres the link if u want to download it lee
In a nutshell.. You get a little piece (bit) of the file from every1 sharing it...meaning that 1 person doesnt have to use all their bandwidth to send u tho whole file. So if you are on a 1mbit connection and all the ppl sharing the file are only on 56k modems....if enough of these ppl on 56k modems are sharing the file, you can get nice high speeds....if u just had to get all the file off one of them, means slow speeds. Thats why its important that when ppl have finished their download, they leave it available as a share so other ppl can get pieces off them Rough guide here too
Btw.. Use this client So you can build a list of blocked (the law etc!!) ip's... This way u dont download or upload anything to dont get slapped wrist
Yes, whilst the window is open you are sharing that file. People can also download it off you before you have even finished getting the whole file. I'm getting 26kbps at the mo. Nice one Bri.
thats only off a couple of seeds too mate as soon as more ppl get it...faster i tend to limit my upload to 5k/sec....but if every1 does the same...say 20 ppl..... 100k/sec available its well gud
i dont think mines uploading out, its stayed like this for a while if i click finish it will just end the torrent
Mines uploading 0k/sec atm too mate - maybe no1 is downloading from us..that wud explain long as u leave that open tho it's shared... ps...get azureus instead of standard BT client u dont have to have loads of windows open for each torrent for starters..all in 1 nice window
i'll download it and share it for a bit... my share ratings are impeccable... got a rating of 900% on one file, and the file was 5 gig im just too kind. :angel3:
if possible mate any of the mixes etc that we put up as this one...can u leave em shared as long as possible? means we can get a nice quick "network" going for every1 to enjoy