Birthday Ok ladies and gentlemen, a bit of advice needed here. What should I buy my girlfriend for her birthday?? Its in a couple of weeks and I already have bought her a top and a pair of pants. Any help? Jambon is barred from this thread with his dirty mind
I have bought her all of these things in the past(accept ring and makeup). I could do with a fresh idea! Thanks though Sash
take her on hols for the weekend... easyjet are cheap as fuck to barca... dirty weekend, present 4 both'aya
No budget m8. Good idea. I have already spend £100 on her on clothes though and I would rather buy her another gift. Work might get in the way aswell!
something which u cant give any woman mate! 12 inches of pleasure! usually found in anne summers! only messin, nah i always buy perfume which i can stand! if u let them buy there own they end up smellin like ur gran! well thats what i rekon! i know it might sound a bit charverish mate but i rekon u shud get her some lecoste for women! its really nice and shell love u forever!
she rekon u were shite mate! said u didnt even touch the sides! thats enuff bout my mother anyway! ill get u on friday!
Sorry m8. You asked for it though. I'll probably see doing your flyers before Friday so u can 'get' me then! and just for the record, she screams like a bitch
your bird has the same bday as me:groovy: buy her a fish,fish are mint.if she dont like it as a pet you can cook her a nice meal with it,works everytime.