Bin Laden to become a pop star Waffa Bin Laden (Osama's neice) is to release a pop single in the U.K. Im not joking!
Re: Bin Laden to become a pop star No doubt all her assets will of been frozen by the yanks so she will need to make some cash.
she ll be TOTP soon "So Waffa, is there anybody you'd like to thank?" "Yep, my dad for always supporting me !"
LOL @ The Sun Waffa bout this top 10? 1 You Can Call Me al-Qa’ida – Paul Simon 2 Osama Lovin’ – Grease 3 Since You’ve Bin Gone – Rainbow 4 Uncle O-Sam-a – Madness 5 Bridge Over Troubled Waffa – Simon and Garf-Uncle 6 Taliban On The Run – Wings 7 Lay Lady Laden – Bob Dylan 8 Jihad Day’s Night – The Beatles 9 Hangin’ On The Terror-phone – Blondie 10 Have You Seen Him?- MC Os-Hammer
I ve got a plan... when she comes over for her debut appearance on TOTP, why dont we kidnap her, and say to her father, that we ll only give her back if he gives himself up Im a fuckin genie's arse