Big Decisions I'm having a bit of a head fuck at the moment, my parents have cashed in big stylee by selling a business they have only owned for 9 weeks. They will make in excess on £250 000 :spangled: they have decided they are moving abroad probs Portugal and they want me to go with them They dropped this on me the other day and I'm still finding it hard to decide. Do I stay here with all my m8's, I have a well paid job and have good prospects and can make it on my own. Or Go abroad and start a new life in a sunny climate, make new friends, find a new career (beach bum).
I'd stay here. You can always move over there later if things don't work out here. Whereas, if u go now and u don't like it, its a lot of upheaval (sp?) for nothing. Maybe visit from time to time to suss the place out before u move for sure. Ur parents wud b more able to help u once they've settled too. Also, wherever you go, you'd need a career that u wud enjoy. U'd get bored shitless after a while otherwise.
shit thats an awful thing to be faced with it reeli is...??!!!av no idea on this one like hun tis awful awful awful!! cud u not mebbes go 4 a lil bit n keep all ur stuff ova here n just keep goin ova there 4 long holidays..??!! s'pose theres the whole issue of the job aswell tho aint they... aw god what an awful thing to be faced with xxx
I think I'm either gonna take 3 months off work and go over and see what it's like, if I like it stay if I don't come back and go straight back into my job. Or Get my dad to buy me a gaff, it will be a sound investment for him to have property in the UK and stay here and go visit now and again. I don't really have much family apart from my mum and dad, it will take some getting used to
I have found great comfort in Jack Daniels and cola of late, been shit faced for days. it's a huge thing to have to decide, just shit it's come @ xmas
still early days Marty still loads of discussion to be had with the olds, they wont leave me in the learch. they are minted anyway so I'm sure they will sort me out before they/we leave
its up to u m8, i would stay and see how things pan out,if you stayed hereyou would have the best of both worlds,your own place,independance and a bloody great free holiday whenever things get stressfull. you know how things are lining up for next year with the lads.your a very good m8 it would be a shame for you to leave before seeing what moves we can make in 2004
I shall be going to ibiza for the summer every year, I have contact over there for DJing. I'll be keeping it up no problems
id stay. let them move first, then go over and check it out, stay for a month or so, see how u like it....
yeah I think that's the best way, I have sorted 3 months off work to check the place out. we shall see after that. cheers all