my housemate was having tantrums cos he got up ready for this on sat an his mate dropped out an no1 would go up with him... i was happily comatosed in bed tho i'm a bit gutted for him tho cos i think he was quite looking forward to it
was gonna go down but was far too pissed and smashed to go anywhere. just think if i had of got in no illegal substances for a canny while like. cud of made it like rehab for me! (really im not that bad!)
two of my housemates went but didn't get in. they pretended to be a gay couple as they thought big bro was looking for couples! waited for hours then had a three minute audition with them having to chat with 8 others. they managed to get in the sunday sun though.
gotta take something in really.... 'day 4 in the big brother house....the house are building a bird feeder and martin is dribbling talking to his hands...'
BOLLOCKS!! I knew there was something I forgot to do...wanted to go like, would have been a laugh, I could quite see myself in that house like Damn work
i didnt even realise it was on saturday but there was no chance of me making an audition i was totally fucked after friday and no sleep!!!!
just run around shouting commercial brand names and/or abuse to everyone... then the stupid facks that watch it will have that plane 24/7.....
The idea of all that time off work and the possiblity of that cash is majorly tempting, but I dont want ppl watching me 24/7, specially when in need of a shit or checking my zits out. So... No I didnt go.