Best place to get cheap deals for Ibiza? Anyone know any places? On the net or just travel agents in town. Looking to go on 7th Sept. do the cheapest flights form the uk... then just book a hotel form any old travel agents cheapest we found were £8 a night have some good deals to depends on how far away you want to book it Going on my hols to soon!!! Got a nice trip to Japan then Australia coming up should be good
u still coming paul? like i say... we wanna fly on the 7th september if possible. we need to get together to sort out stuff. if u see any bargains tho... lee: whats the crack with you? u gonna have the $ or what? :groovy:
me and lee were just talking about it last night i reckon so like. borrowing a bit of £ off my mam and gonna see if my boss will lend me some (he's dead canny) so should be able to afford it. dunno about ted he says he'll have the cash but with 6wks to go he ain't got any as yet? fingers crossed tho eh...
was hoping this wouldnt happen with lee... thought he had it all worked out? anyway... i think we want to be booking up some time in the beggining to middle of august. from what weve seen we prob looking at around £150 i think. £200 max! have a look about tho and keep us informed.. we should arrange a meeting!
i'm thinking i probs give u £200 outta my next wages che and u can max the credit card..i get paid 31st so that means u have the cash if u see owt? then august wages = spending money, plus all my 'Beefa blags that i've got in the pipeline heheheheh good idea re meeting eh lets arrange one asap!
blags for ibeefa sounds good like! re: the cash... just keep it until we see something cos u mite just b able to pay urself unless we get it off the net. need meetup asap!!!!! poss the sunday/monday after global gathering? i nominate my self the organiser! hehehe
cool a roo! will keep it in a safe place so as not to spend! was gonna pop round your 2nite with some blank cds for ya, are u at work? txted cath but no response as yet are u all grafting u poor things?
ps did u get the emails i forwarded to you for blaggin purposes? just hang onto them 4 me, ta! pps GK have replied
yeah i got the emails... u out @ wkend? im not cos got work on sat... going out with catherine on sunday then maybe to sunday trading. tickets for gkgg coach should be here tomorrow or sat. £24 + £2 booking fee. not bad i suppose. just give me at wkend tho and will pay it straight off. btw... do u know of anyone else who is supposed to be coming with us? so far. you, me, cath, paul, lee (99%). am i missing anyone?
ain't geff coming?! btw are u in @ the mo'? am at mam's but heading up soon if not will drop cds off tomm