Best Friends Was thinking bout his on the way home this morning. How many best friends have you got? Ive got 4 best friends, 2 male n 2 female. Plus about 20 great mates who are always there 4 ya, and the rest are friends and aquaintences.
got kinda different levels of best mates reeli... got ma best mate becky from home but then there also another 5 ov ma girlies from home that r also ma bestest friends eva!! then up in newcastle im best mates with marissa and hayley and then theres also dave, ellie and gill that i class as ma dead close friends who i love 2 absolute pieces n that im dead close 2!!! xxx aaww and ma best mate thats a boy-peter from home ack as if i could have forgotton him!! xxx
i wud say 4 best mates....3 females & 1 male & i have a canny few close friends, friends & aquaintances! but probs my best best amte is vicky... i don't c her often cos she's lived in glasgow for the alst 3 years & is in australia atm....i'm 25 in may & in dec i'll have known her for 25 yrs...we grew up in the same village & our mams know each other...
I have 2 groups of friends, one from where I used to live and some from where I live now. My best mates of about 8 people don't post on here, some of the others you may know Ness Fizz Marty V Sir Mixalot Loopsy Loosy Geordie the list goes on. some of my closest friends are x g/friends, odd that My best mate is a lad I went through the Royal Marines with, he's a doorman @ Bar Beyond now.
hmmm... i've got 2 sets really, home mates an uni mates... probs about 3 from each i'd class as best mates, who i could go to about anythin an stuff, but i don't get to see my home mates that much now only 1 girl in that too!
martin is my best friend. brodie is also my best friend. vicki laura and mum are also my best friends. they are all different my best friends but theyre always there
good thread this one... I have different mates for different occasions. there's the people i go 'proper' clubbing with; vince, Browny, ian, Kev(Promise, Quality etc), people I go out with for a laugh (South Shields, Newcastle n that), and then there's my school mates. They're probably my proper mates, and the only way I can pick one specific one as the bestest ever, I'd have to think who would be my best man at my wedding which would probably be a lad called Ed. he hates dance music, he cant mix and he's got shit taste in clothes. think he's me best mate coz he makes me feel better about meself! 'there is always someone worse off than yourself'
aw you sugar..........i love you too lol i would say my best mates are ness mags shaz si stew marty jill tiff gill kez jeff dan all of them lol - i not picky you see lol oh and summer matthews - lol and me mates from work clare, steve and amanda who is lush and works in buffalo joe's lol
Bcos I went to Uni, most of my mates are all over the place by now! I've lost touch with my school/college mates too so most of my best mates now are the people I've met thru clubbing. I still don't get to see them as much as I wud like but, like Biatch says, I know they'll always be there for me.
I also have 2 groups of mates, my clubbing mates(you lot) and my mates from home. Mik and Kel are probably my best mates as well as some people that i've known from home for years!
got loads of mates. dont really have many enemies. theres a few but i aint the kinda person to dislike peeps. best mates are moz, wayne, andre, lil dave, hayley, marissa and all them lot. (loads of names sorry if ur's aint on ) jimmy, mick, kel, geordie, too many to mention like! if u know me u know what im like anyway. i do know a canny few people like!
she also work for a travel agents or sumthin? bout 18/9? if its same one yeh shes class if its not :blush: got lots of different groups of mates.. people who ive lived with... people ive work/ed with... people who i travelled with.. people in america... people i met thru takin drugs... people from uni.. my best friends are 2 girls i lived with 3 years ago... dont see them that much anymore but if ever i need a smile - ie the aftermath of gkgg last year they'll always be about.. all gonna start again wen i got to manc tho
my best female mate is carrie, shes the only lass who i see often who im really close to. then jeff, si, ade, and daniel are my best mates who i spend most of my time with. then i have people like loosy who ive known for longer than any of the rest, and i love her to bits, but dont see her very often ive also got 2 mates from work who im quite close to, and then one person who ive been mates with since i was 11, i dont really see her very much either now though.
i have a best friend that i have been best mates with for 17 yrs then i have 2 best mates from the group i go about with now and a huge number of very good mates who i couldn't do without
Got a few different goups of mates... the ones I have know all my life and always will do, the ones I go to the pubs n shitty clubs with, me footy and rugby mates, gettin fucked ones, school college and uni mates and various other places I have been. Theres a few really good mates in all them groups