Best forum? Just wondering what everyone thinks is the best forum.... also which is the worst... the humour forum is the only forum I could happily wave good bye to... as stated before by many people full of gimpish posts by a handful of gimpish people (With the odd exception )
I voted music, used to love the main forum but its gone a bit tosh as of late... music forum gets my vote now - gone are its can anyone ID this tune days (usually anthems like seven cities, silver bath, crimson soil, etc.) its now full of interesting threads with people who actually know what they're talk about (and can correctly ID tunes that aren't played on galaxy) Humour forum is by far the worst - don't reeally need to explain or justify this answer
Best - Music although i dont know much about the music tis a good place to find stuff out. Worst - Humour the only thing it is good for is looking through when your bored.
and some peeps even worship themselves, there looks! tut tut i no someone that worships his mystical and enchanting eyes.
Re: Best forum? best forums i reckon are.. promise pictures.. for memories mission control... most popular and random.... humour.... for a guaranteed smile
best forums have to be the photo one and the main one, i like looking at the pics, but mid-week it goes a bit dead in there. main forum is good, its the only forum i really spend much time in!
I like the Photo forum. The funny forum is good too bcos I can post harsh jokes without getting shouted at.