Benni Benassi - Satisfaction another tune floating my boat at the minute, its getting quite a bit of radio play so i hope it doesnt kill it..
luved this tune the first time i heard it ages ago on jules show, just hope galaxy dont start playing it that will kill it....
Speaking of tunes being ruined by overplay on the radio. Nothing But You is being caned on Radio 1. Stop it u cunts
Satisfaction is mint! Much better than the Rolling Stones' version Has anyone heard the Steve Murano mix? I wanna know what it's like?
heard it for the first time at arcane when sister bliss played, though i dont know what mix it was mightve been the robbie rivera mix really like the tune tho!
she played the isak original mix as well as the accappella. she was really good, really enjoyed her set.
yeah so did i mate yours was really good as well, nice way to round off the night! together= you did play yeke yeke as well didnt you? think i remembered hearing it!
Ferry mixed satisfaction with Punk on friday nite and it sounded class, cant remember if it was just the vocal he used, but it did sound good
yeah that went down really well. was much more of a classics set than what i intended but the crowd loved it. did you hear that annoying buzzing from the system? that was hell caus it to begin with that is all i could hear in my headphones! was a bit cheeky with "another chance" mind!
can't wait to get this beast - sure SHOKK played it at promise but now i know wot it is!!! the remixes should be even better! hoping julesy drops it fri - any1 know release date or/and label?