Benefits I have never claimed anything in my life but due to circumstances have had to claim something for being off sick due to self employment I wasnt covered by SSP. How absolutely retarded is the whole system for getting benefits? I put my claim in 4 weeks ago, when I first found out I wouldn't be able to work and still have had no joy. Luckily my parents are helping me out but if you didn't have much money or help you would be totally screwed over by them. I have now been told that the initial claim I had for incapacity benefit couldn't go through because I havn't paid enough NICs even though I've paid them all sinc ebeginning work but was told when you're young you canhardly get much it generally takes 3 years to build up. So have now been told to claim income support but have to wait another week at least before I will get anything. How absolutely absurd, what happens if I had no savings or anything I would have starved by now It pisses me off so much that while I was sat at the job centre it was full of total scroats who had probably worked not 1 day in their lives and sat on their fat arses eating junk food, watching jeremy kyle getting high and knocking out sprogs. Almost every person in there had at least 1 rotten little kid with them, which I'm not surprised at as I was actually told by one of the staff that I would be better off if I had a kid cos I could get more I left absolutely fuming that these people get everything handed to them on a plate, yet people who work every day long hours pay taxes and NICs get kicked in the balls when they need something. Rant over :evil:
never claimed myself but i know its a right fuck on, my flatmate put in the claim for housing benefit cause he lost his job, and needed the money to pay his rent. wait for it, five months on he still hasn't got the money even though they say he's entitled to it. They are just total remy's that work at the council, they must just send all the dole bums to work there cause now where else will take them.
whats going on , that's 2 posts you've quoted me in and not once took the piss that's like almost being nice
i had to do that before i got my old job at gner, luckily it was backdated and only took a month or so to come but i was still really skint with big rent bills... fair enough, people who are unemployed need to be helped in various ways, but regardless of the reality it feels like some groups of people get benefits thrown at them while the rest of us have to go through shit for enough to pay a month or two's rent
i reckon your right, i know how pissed of my flatmate has been he's been down there about a million times now cause they keep fucking stuff up and he had to go down and redo it. Glad i've never had to claim, i get a little shouty when people are thick and can't get things right.
thats what i was like, ended up being in there for about 2 hours and this was after spending all morning on the phone to them getting passed around. i was getting so stressed out on the phone that i ended up crying so when i got to the job centre i was probz a little bleary eyed and felt a bit sorry for me plus ive lost my voice so seemed liek a right littl einvalid
when you go to make a claim or to the job centre it is awful being surrounded by so much scum and dregs of society... theres always a couple of normal people who just stand out! tbh that just spurred me on to get a job faster so i never have to go back
The welfare system isnt geared around regular people who work regular jobs and pay their taxes ......... they make it as hard as possible to get anything that way - plus the way housing and other benefits work means you can be waiting up to six months to get a penny. .... If your a sponger however, you get a priority service. Brilliant eh I think everyone is charitable at heart, but its experiences like these that make you realise just HOW MANY people in britain think they can live off everyone elses hard work without raising a finger.