Beds with Latts I fucking hate them cheap fucling shit, can u buy the latts anywhere i need replacements??? had a accident last night and am not writting my bed off for some fucking thin bits of wood someones got to have this ebay void filled
can't you just measure the ones you have and goto a DIY shop that deals with wood and just have them cut for you? Alternatively just call around bed shops who are bound to be able to help you out.
You can make them i suppose but they have that crazy "springing" thing going on I couldnt recreate that nothing on ebay either buggers. This has got to be a niece market if some can make these he will be a millionaire in a year
I haven't got a fucking clue. They were in my boyfriend's brother's car for about a week as he drove off before we'd taken them out, and when he turned up with them there were about 6 missing.. by which time it was too late to go back to the old flat and see if they were there.