Battleship Potemkin featuring Pet Shop Boys Anyone off here go ??? featuring the Northern Sinfonia the pet shop boys re done the music to a black and white silent film. Wasnt my cuppa like but just wondering if anyone else went and what they thought of it.......? mos , did it get any better after me n melt left ??
ermm..kinda... still hard following the film.. although music was canny! i think u missed tennant singing a bit more too... he kept popping up... most seemed to stay till the end, however we were defeated by the cold... standing there for so long was bad... my knees haven't recovered yet! i think we stayed till 10:20ish... must have nearly been finished by then @ Melt walking nonchalantly in front of the t.v. cameras sporting the 'DETOX' t-shirt - shameless "PLAY WEST END GIRLS"
aye my feet where numb like , that will teach me to wear summer footwear lol !!! the metro home was comical like , loads of drunks that had gone expecting to see pet shop boys in concert for free lol where going off it
aye, u kinda got that feeling... when it first started - there was a mini exodus of disgruntled people heading out!!!!
yeah they were there but not doing there usual stuff etc , there was a black and white silent movie shown , some old war film and they were doing the soundtrack to it along with an orchestra. I reckon a lot of people that went were expecting them to do some of their hit songs as well !!!
it was a black and white silent film, about part of the russian revolution - and it was the Pet Shop Boys interpretation of what the music should be, back by an orchestra