bastard work don't you hate it when they ring you to come in on your day off, and make you feel bad for not going in:evil:
Re: bastard work Ive had that in retail...but i never felt bad in pointing out that i was already out and 'had plans' even if those plans were watching TV. Its your day off, sod em.
i hate that guilt they make u feel... for not helping out and doing what you can... just shows you're a conscientious(sp?) employee. even if you're a bit of a sex pest alex
i think i am always happy to help, its not like i don't pull my weight, i have never phoned in sick once since i started over a year ago, but no one ever gives me any credit for it.
Definitely agree. It pays to keep a close check on exactly what you're entitiled to. And not feeling bad if you turn them down when they're trying to pull a fast one like that.