Basic Web Data Capture wanting to capture name, address, and some basic info via forms/input boxes, whatever (its for a quotation system) and then email this to the relevant person... How hard is this to do? Some pointers would be good. The fact that i know nothing about this sort of thing doesn't seem to phase my boss at all!! I presume you will need to use a mail relay? How do you set that up?
its pissoir, i did it at college but alas ive forgotten its not hard to do tho, if you find it on a tutorial site let me know the link
if you want to be a REAL geek you need to know more than this chris!!! google - theres hundreds if not thousands of tutorials! lazy lazy people! ps. yes u need an smtp server to relay through, theres a start for ya
Well I have found a php script that is very simple...didnt require any SMTP config so i assume it must just use the mail on the host....i have modified it for my needs, sends data from a form. The script: <? // ------------- CONFIGURABLE SECTION ------------------------ // $mailto - set to the email address you want the form // sent to, eg //$mailto = "" ; $mailto = '' ; // $subject - set to the Subject line of the email, eg //$subject = "Feedback Form" ; $subject = "Quote Recieved" ; // the pages to be displayed, eg //$formurl = "" ; //$errorurl = "" ; //$thankyouurl = "" ; $formurl = "" ; $errorurl = "" ; $thankyouurl = "" ; $uself = 0; // -------------------- END OF CONFIGURABLE SECTION (ahem)--------------- $headersep = (!isset( $uself ) || ($uself == 0)) ? "\r\n" : "\n" ; $name = $_POST['name'] ; $email = $_POST['email'] ; $telephone = $_POST['telephone'] ; $comments = $_POST['comments'] ; $http_referrer = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" ); if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { header( "Location: $formurl" ); exit ; } if (empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($telephone) || empty($comments)) { header( "Location: $errorurl" ); exit ; } if ( ereg( "[\r\n]", $name ) || ereg( "[\r\n]", $email ) || ereg( "[\r\n]", $telephone )) { header( "Location: $errorurl" ); exit ; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $comments = stripslashes( $comments ); } $messageproper = "New Quote Requested from Todd & Cue Pub Quote\n" . "---------------------------------------------\n\n" . "Name of sender: $name\n" . "Email Address: $email\n" . "Telephone Number: $telephone\n" . "\n" . "Details:\n\n" . $comments . "\n\n\n" ; mail($mailto, $subject, $messageproper, "From: \"$name\" <$email>" . $headersep . "Reply-To: \"$name\" <$email>" . $headersep . "X-Mailer: chfeedback.php 2.07" ); header( "Location: $thankyouurl" ); exit ; ?> So just using it with a html form...just need to make it bigger! It could be used for mischief lol, if the recipient doesnt know the crack about email headers, you could send it from ""