This might be totally wrong....but does Carl have a brother called Shaun Fairley? The one on the second last pic?
Shaun also has (and prob satill does) have an UNCANNY obsession with Katie we saw him the other day he was like "are you two stillllll together!?"
He's seeing some Thai bird now... thing is she's married to some Triad (phsyco Chinese gang) who lives abroad, he wants to watch himself
i used to love carl years ago must have been about 15 haven't seen him for ages though. How do you know him?
I've known him and his brothers/family since we were 5 Used to knock around with Kane who's my age but he's married and away with the Army! Me and Carl are bessies these days
Me and Katie went to school with Shaun. He was the only boy in my child development class (only took it because he knew it was with a class full of girls) he got moved to Katies technology class where she used to frequently lock him in the cupboard during lesson times (by himself not with her lol)