quotes (again) IRC scares the shit out of me Primus521: im at walmart and this chick is buying a box of tampons and they are missing the upc and wont ring up Primus521: so the cashier tells his buddy to get a price check on tampax Primus521: the dude looks at him and says, "the kind u push in, or the kind you hammer in?" Primus521: lol Primus521: turns out he misheard him Primus521: he thought he said thumbtacs Primus521: you should have seen the look on the chicks face Primus521: omfg Primus521: til the day i die Primus521: i will never forget it <Eticam> I was in biology class once, and the teacher said there was sugar in sperm <Eticam> And a girl asked why doesn't it taste sweet then <Eticam> When she realised what she said her face became red like a spanked monkey ass <Eticam> Then the teacher said, because you taste sweetness with the front of your tongue, not the part of your tongue back in your throat <Eticam> The girl started crying and left class ^^ <TXTerron> wanna know whats geeky? <Jennifer> hmm? <TXTerron> I'm driving down the road <Jennifer> I drove down the road today too... <Jennifer> Wait, You mean you're on irc in your truck? <TXTerron> yeah, using my wireless card <Jennifer> ^___^ <Jennifer> Jason, is that safe? <TXTerron> na, i just type with one hand while I'm driving and halfway watch the road, its cool, dont worry <Jennifer> You're good with typing with one hand? <TXTerron> shaddup <TXTerron> FUCK <TXTerron> i just rear ended a lady <TXTerron> brb <QJ> your grandma opened the shower door <QJ> while you were wanking? <knox> yep <knox> it was worse than that <QJ> she finished you off?
t0rbad> so there i was in this hallway right BlackAdder> i believe i speak for all of us when i say... BlackAdder> WRONG BTICH BlackAdder> IM SICK OF YOU BlackAdder> AND YOUR LAME STORIES BlackAdder> NOBODY HERE THINKS YOURE FUNNY BlackAdder> NOBODY HERE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR STORIES BlackAdder> IN FACT BlackAdder> IF YOU DIED RIGHT NOW BlackAdder> I DON"T THINK NOBODY WOULD CARE BlackAdder> SO WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT FAG *** t0rbad sets mode: +b BlackAdder*!*@*.* *** BlackAdder has been kicked my t0rbad ( ) t0rbad> so there i was in this hallway right CRCError> right heartless> Right. r3v> right <Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis. <Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. <+darthpony> geez dude <+darthpony> with my last gf <+darthpony> I made the most terrible fruedian slip <+darthpony> we were sitting at breakfast the one day, and I wanted to ask her "pass the sugar please" <+darthpony> instead I said "you're ruining my life, you fucking bitch" <Fulgore> whats the complement to a 43 degree angle? <sparks> My you're looking "acute" today <Fulgore> fuck you [ron`] Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll fuck you with a rake <Meph|st0> Complaint : BOUGTH IT FOR MY COUSIN WHO HAD CANCER, ITEM NEVER ARRIVED AND MY COUSIN DIED <Meph|st0> thats the greatest ebay feedback i have ever seen <tumult> well that was like the coolest class period i've ever had <lasombra> tumult ? <tumult> this kid asks me for a dollar so he can get something from a vending machine <tumult> i tell him i don't have one (truth) <tumult> he says bullshit <tumult> i tell him to fuck off <tumult> he stands up and punches me in the face three times <tumult> sits back down <tumult> teacher doesn't notice/care <tumult> so blood is pouring out onto my desk <tumult> from my lip <tumult> i turn to the girl next to me and say <tumult> "hey, can i use one of the tissues jammed into your bra?" <zyko^> what did she do? <tumult> punched me in the face <@Gandalf> Recent scientific study found that the kind of male face a woman finds attractive can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. <@Gandalf> For instance, if she is ovulating she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. <@Gandalf> And if she is menstruating, she is likely to prefer a man doused in petrol and set on fire, with scissors shoved deep into his temple and a cricket stump jammed up his arse
<insertGEEKpseudonym>***below_average_joke <geek2>fuck=off <insertGEEKpseudonym>***dorky_comeback <internetfreak2004>lol ...and the cyber community lived happily ever after
<tatclass> YOU ALL SUCK DICK <tatclass> er. <tatclass> hi. <andy\code> A common typo. <tatclass> the keys are like right next to each other. * ab is away - gone, if anyone talks in the next 25 minutes as me it's bm being an asshole - <ab> HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS <ohm> damn <ohm> FUCK <ohm> DAMN <ohm> i was just in an AIM convo with a chick, and my grandmother's window pops up <ohm> FUCK <ohm> i go like this to her <ohm> "i want to suck on your clit" <ohm> FUCK <Beeth> Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken. <honx> well, you can stil get one from a strange country :-P <ckx> women ask for it <ckx> they act all old and mature <ckx> and then you stick your cock up their ass <ckx> and they get all bitchy <ckx> "I"M ONLY 13, I'M ONLY 13!!!" <calin> we had a guy at school that wore black lipstick.. and was all gothy.. and then one day we caught him buying an assvibrator <ecoli> ew. <ecoli> wait, you "caught" him? <ecoli> like, you were behind him in line at the assvibrator store? <Aero> he doesnt answer *** Quits: calin (No route to host) <NES> lol <NES> I download something from Napster <NES> And the same guy I downloaded it from starts downloading it from me when I'm done <NES> I message him and say "What are you doing? I just got that from you" <NES> "getting my song back fucker" <anamexis> oh man <anamexis> I was opening a coke, right --> Beefpile ( has joined #themacmind <anamexis> and it exploded <anamexis> ALMOST all over my keyboard <anamexis> but I got it away just in time <-- Beefpile has quit (sick fuckers) <anamexis> :<