Banning? Should people who are abusive on this board get a one-week ban. I don't think I should need to explain what I mean by 'abusive'. NOTE (This will not apply to any past posts if it gets agreed that we should)
i reckon that u should only get banned if u r REALLY offensive. like being racist or something. like a really evil personal attack. i dont think any1 should get banned for any of whats been said. i dont think any of it was that bad.
Depends on the circumstances.... I think a 1 week ban can be very harsh - this proposal is a reaction to the Vuzz thread... In my eyes this thread wasn't as simple, as people merely stirring up shit and giving promise a bad name, it's got much more twists. The initial post put up by Technofish was obviously put up to stir up shit, but I am guessing his intention wasn't to turn the thread into a witch hunt crucifying loads of innocents. What started as chinese whisapers spiralled out of hand, as everyone knew someone concerned there were a lot of emotions and insults flying around... Unfortunatly the biggest victim was Promise who had done fuck all... This is very harsh - however it must also be noted that the majority of people who were quick to tarnish Promise with this "evil clubbing giant" brush - were very appoligetic when finding out the truth. I don't think they were malicious trouble makers - I think the thread hit a lot of nerves and when the truth emerged left a lot of people feeling like complete tits. I certainly think a 1 week ban in this situation is out of ordxr as most people were intelligent enough to appoligise for their actions. I vote for saving the bans and other such punishments for more serious issues.
Shit.. who let Smart E in! We all knlow he is packing a Post Fixing device. (He bought this from the far east on mail order)
I reckon bannin someone from the board will make fuck all difference, but then im a southerner, what do i know