Aye, bunch of gays. All soft as shit, 2 stone wet and acting hard as nails. Some of the banter the sergants come out with is funny as fuck.
aye, is shit hot this, the officers crack is fucking mint. you always get the soft as fuck wankers but they quickly get weaded out, almost makes me wanna join up.
I loved the bit where that bloke was getting wrong for not doing it properly then he clocked the cameras and thought he'd look hard "who are you shouting at?..................Fuck you" "FUCK YOU SERGEANT!" "Fuck you DICKHEAD" He must have felt right proud of himself for his witty comeback
It would have been a shit load harder than what that bunch of scum bags are having to do I like the theory behind this programme however the people on it (especially this series) are the dregs of society and need to be locked away till they sort their fucking heads out IMO the only way this idea would work properly is if it was exactly like the real 1950's Army not the toned down soft as shite TV programme it appears to be. When i say that, I mean, back in the 50's (till about 10-15 years ago) if they gave lip to the NCO's/Officers like they were last night it wouldn't be press ups or 24 hours in jail they would have just got a proper kicking. Sounds harsh but its the only thing idiots like that understand. Eventually they'd get the message and the training would work.... Thats what todays Army is missing, proper discipline.
That scum lad from up here i'm sure he's gay but in denial, personally it was the way he was back answering the sargeant's!!
deffo, the way he walked and when he stormed out of the cafeteria in a huff and said "fuck off man" in the gayest voice. i wonder how many people mocked the north due to that tosses childish behaviour, "looser for life" got that right
Pretty funny when he was in the cafeteria mind, bit harsh on the rest of the team when he got caught having a tab. At the end of the day he couldn't hack it and must of been quite a system shock to him when he was getting bollocked off the sarge!! agreed