Bad crack I split up with my ex a few months ago and our situation has has rapidly deteriated (sp) that its got so bad she's now trying to stop me seeing my son who's 2! I've tried & tried to sort it out but she is a stubborn cow when she wants to be and tbh its really getting me down Anyone been through anything similar or got any advice? I dont want to go to court but its looking like my only option
Re: Bad crack Dress up as Batman and scale Tesco's Soz - that is bad crack like, best off going to Citizens Advice Bureau
Re: Bad crack you should have watched that program that bob geldof did about fathers for justice - make your lass watch that and im sure she will soon see that above all you really have to try and work it out without the courts, however bad it seems now, multiply that by 100000000000000000000 and its still nowhere near, other people getting involved, most people on the side of the mam etc. it turns it into a battle which it doesnt have to be. ive forgotton what the program is called but please watch it if you havent already. good luck
Miller will know all about it I would imagine mate He's at the match atm. His ex is a total pain with his son
thanks for everyones replies. Even the jokes were appreciated aaron your a munchkin so i hear/read so you can be Robin if you like?
as bad as it sounds court is the only good way mate...otherwise she can fuck you over later saying you,ve paid no money need to sort maintenance through court and access rights
thats already sorted out! Just tried to be totally rational with her about everything, admit all my faults PROMISE to sort them out but the stupid bitch wasnt having any of it :evil: :evil: :evil: she's already caused me to punch a wall and brake the 1st bone in my body ever & im about to do it again :evil:
Definitely. I work against them a lot and they're a pain in the arse because they really do know what they're talking about..