Baby P's Killers.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gary Proud, Aug 11, 2009.

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  1. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Baby P's Killers.

    Just read the Metro this morning & all the killers have been named due to the Legal Order running out.

    Tracey Connelly 28 = 5 years
    Steven Barker 33 = 12 years (also convicted for raping a 2 year old girl)
    Jason Owen 37 = 3 years (Also having a relationship with a 15 year old)

    All 3 sentances dont even equate to 1 full life sentance & theres the possibility all will receive new identities at the tax payers expense. And they wonder why some take the law into their own hands?

    The British Justice system has totally let that little kid down. Ronnie Biggs was sentanced to 30 years alone for stealing £2m in the great train Robbery, yet this pooly little Baby suffered a broken back, broken ribs, punched so hard he swallowed his tooth, bitten by the couples Rottwieller & 50 other Injuries before he was Murdered.

    I look forward to the Sun reporting the fuckers being scoulded & tortured inside.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I'm surprised it took this long to get the order lifted, when it all happened I was getting invites from people on facebook to join groups that had their full names, ages, and families addresses listed on it.

    You're right though, their names will be of little consequence when they get released under a new identity.
  4. Shortee

    Shortee back of the net

    May 30, 2006
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    This absolutely boils my piss! it really does.

    Its made me so angry reading the story, there are armed robbers getting longer sentences and these bastards will get protection for the rest of their lives, and there is actually people out there whpo believe they deserve the protection when they are released! they deserve nothing, I hope they are tortured in jail!!!!!
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The thing really makes no fucking sense.

    The photos and stuff that we now have almost look like a vigilante justice 'press release' which, along with the pityful sentences this lot have gotten (i think they should be locked up for a very long time), its almost deliberately inciting an outcry.
  6. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    What makes Tracey Connelly's sentance even more unbelievable is reading the letter she wrote to the Judge that the Metro published. It's very well worded & she come across as a woman that knows exactly what she's done. Given that & the fact she is clearly sane, how the fuck hasn't she been given life!?
  7. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    I suppose (and i dont agree with it) that the definition of what she did by the 'Law Society' definition might not be classed as outright murder, and then classed as manslaughter which then has loads of factors that can eventually end up with the scum being downgraded to serving a tiny sentence.

    To think that there could very well have been a lawyer working FOR her, trying to argue HER side of things....... complete disgrace.

    What a fucked up world this is. Simple things like the death of a child by the hands of 3 people, which is one of the most base and evil things a human being can do to another human being, and our 'system' means they dont really suffer for it.

    I dont believe in mob law, but at times like this it makes you wonder if actual JUSTICE would be served better that way.

    I dont agree with the public being whipped up into a frenzy and pushed in the wrong direction is going to help mind. Media manipulation.

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