Awww, i like llamas! just reading another message board which shall remena namless due to the fact that ill get slated to fuck, but theres a post about llamas (shit, that gives away which board it is straight away) but id just like to say that they are the cutest things god ever made (after smart E of course) bless them!! just look at these!
sorry, i know gurn is shit, but this thread is actually quite funny, have a look, but be warned, its gurn!!! im sorry but it made me laugh, especially the judge jules bit!!
Lama's suck cause they are quite viciuos and evil creature's who tend to attack human's when they get too close for no reason. Oh and yes Jem they do spit at ya.
so this isnt the cutest little thing you have ever seen in ure life? c'mon duncan, even you have to think this is cute
This thread is the shittest we've had in a long time why would nayone wanna post a gurn thread on here? people come here to get away from shit message boards