
Discussion in 'Technology' started by trance_fan, Feb 4, 2005.

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  1. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    I dont believe it!

    Purvy wanted me to sort his pc out.

    So as I have done many times, i took the hard drive out, brought it to my pc, then copied the files to my hard drive, and then did the business on purvys.

    Updates, programs, the works, good as new.

    Working fine, all checked etc.

    I stuck the hard drive back into Purvys pc, and it's not accepting it!! Gets to the point just before where the "windows xp" boot screen appears, and then resets! :cry:

    Anybody know if theres anything I can do short of doing everything again?? Its pissed me right off.

    This has only ever happened to me once before, Ive done it this way loads of times and it always works :(
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. dodgy

    dodgy rowr kitty super meow cat

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Terra Firma
  4. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Try running the XP recovery console with the command chkdsk /r

    This will check the disk and repair any buggered bits (Thats a technical term I'll have u know! :) )

    Other than that check jumpers and leads etc.. is it all set up correctly in the BIOS.. I.E does it POST ok?
  5. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    That doesnt sound like quite the same problem..but some useful points to consider.

    I have checked the BIOS, drive is detected, the size of the drive is displayed as opposed to a name though.

    Drive is fully accessible from my pc, and boots as usual when its master.

    It was working ok the day before when (buggered) on windows 98, so I wouldnt have thought it would be a hardware problem.

    Like I say, the exact same thing happened to me a while back on another mates pc, i just reinstalled windows, but at his pc, and it worked fine.

    I dont understand what causes it though. How come loads of PCs can just accept and boot a disk and others wont boot at all? Ive done it many times and 99% problem free, even on much older machines.

    Ill try chkdsk...

    Is there any bootdisk I could try? Whats this bootable partition jazz?

    Delphia - hes gone from a knackered, virus riddled copy of 98 to fully fresh, patched and secured XP Pro on SP2.
  6. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    hang on - did u rebuild the hard drive while it was in your pc and case? i'm sure it writes loads of hardware info at the time of installation so when bits are added/changed it can keep track of them. it also assigns it it's own ID - thats why we use an app called 'sysprep' when ghosting machines...

    i could have the wrong end of the stick...
  7. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Yes, thats exactly what I did.

    Like I say though, this has only happened once before

    For future reference, is there something I should do to ensure that it will work?

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