armin van buuren could you please tell me if you have got him booked? if so when will he be playin? fankachu!
wow..dude! sparky! you are armin van buuren. liking his music is one thing, but the image thing? you should go back to your flowing locks...hehe or you ponytail *splutter snigger cough* see u soon dood. MWA!
why thank you king-richie-rich! ive decided no long hair again im afraid! those days r long gone me finks! but i'll show you the fotos sometime! well now that you have mentioned it, i kinda do look like him a lil?! BONUS!!! i got a job by the way?
Me too wud love to c Armin at Promise!!! He is easil;y one of the top trance jocks at the mo and his dj'in/productions prove this!! Would be amazing for Promise to try and book him again!!!
I hope that he comes to promise. I spoke to him at the arena and he told me that hes dying to come to promise as hes been told that its amazing and he cant want to come and grace us with his presence. Gizmo x
armin at promise, how mint would that be!! at the arena he was well good, an gizmo you realise that i now hate you coz you've met him and i havent ( only jokin). *sits back in his chair thinkin about the mintness of what could happen is he came to nu_castle*