Argentina go out FIGHTING hahahaha thats the way to go boys punching the fucking nazi's all over LOVE IT
it all ended a bit badly for them didn't it... just seen all the crack live as it was happening & then the little agry bargying on thru to try to punch someone
who threw the flying punch like a silver back gorrila? it looked like Maxi Rodg. Bierhoff must have said something to Heinz
the argy's weren't happy they lost & started arguing & lots of pointing went on they then threw some punches at each other & any1 trying to calm them down
germany wernt innpcent in the end like dirty crouts woud have done something like get in argentina kicking them to fook well trying
i fucking hate the argies more than anyone... jump on the fucking plane home you bunch of cheating cunts and take that fat blubbering baby maradona with you
what a great draw, argentina vs germany, some cunt was gonna be out, either way i was pleased, swapping one cunt for another makes no odds.