Are you enthusiastic about your job? Right I studied qs at uni for 3 years… now im on my placement year, and er.. It sucks! They could pay me as much as they like, give me sponsorship for my last yr of uni, but I still aint goin back! Looks like I might be stayin in Newcastle for a while yet... fancy doin a course to do with music oh and the answer to my question is a no!
no i ain't enthusiastic bout my job.........if i was doing what i wanted then i wud ideal job wud b an pyshological assistant in a prison working on behavioural patterns with prisoners & psychologists...
join my club, least u finish at 5… try 8:45 to 5:30/6 with an hour travel either side, and wearing suits suckass big time, it makes me feel like a bitch
i dont have to wear a suit all the time....just when ive got meetings...i couldnt cope if i had to work all those hours! looking forward to getting back to uni! gonna open my own business hopefully when i finish uni...
sometimes i am. not always tho. depends what im working on innit. but in general i dont mind my job at all.
Im at college full time but ive got two part time jobs and i love em both! One of them i have worked there for 6 years and the other i started last year in a pub! I think it's because they both include socialising and i love getting to know new people! The one ive worked for 6 years im starting full time in August! Cant wait!
i really love my job, but it does get a bit repetetive, im on the phone all day talkin to loads of different people, which is probably the best thing for me! you see i like people, loads, i dont want to be there forever but i definatley want to be summat to do with people when i "grow up"
I'm enthusiastic about my career but not my job, I like the work etc but the company is a fuckin piss take!!! :evil:
Nah can't say i am. How can ya be when all ya do is serve stuck up wanks who never leave a decent tip.
I work for the DSS and as much as its paid me shitty for 4yrs i suppose really i cant argue - i live right beside my work, the flexi time comes in well handy sometimes, the never mind when i take a monday off after a heavy weekend as it norm happens ! There has been times when it has totally got me down and ive hated it but at the moment its spot on - im thinking of doing another NVQ as they pay for it all there and with promotion interviews going on for 5 more weeks im hoping for mine as my application form was spot on ! I think if i get my promotion im sorted as the money will be better then throw in some overtime as i dont do fuck all thru the week it would mean a canny monthly pay ! I will move away one day probs to Manchester with Cassie as its ideally where id like to be but ive just gotta bite my lip and hope i succeed in my job now ! Im still also looking out for better challenges as everyone does really and for better £££ !
It's alright. It is getting better now because I have people under me who I can order about and do all the shitty job's. I'm also getting a bumper pay-day in April for my 21st b'day.