April fools Anyone played any tricks/had any played on them/planning any? My works being dead boring as usual. No april fools so far
none here either..its my gran's b/day today tho bless her.....91 2day!!! sum sick twat suggested i sent her an undertaker to her door with a coffin so when she answers the door he announces it's 4 her!!!
aye!!! ave told her shes gotta retire from being a stunt woman tho.....my dad had to break down her door on sun morning cos she'd fallen in the nite.........she'd pulled a blanket & pillow off the bed but didn't get her fone to ring any1 (was next to the bed as well!!!)...........her excuse: "eee, i cudn't have rang any1 at that time of the morning!!" & as 4 the dr: "it's a sunday & i wudn't dream of asking the dr to come & c me!!!" a few bruises & getting treat like the queen mother is doing her the world of good!!!
Told my boss his flat was flooded from bath upstairs and his neighbours had just been on fone. He drove straight home. Didnt think he wud believe me. Gave us an hour of pissin around and me an afternoon gettin shouted at
Someone told the receptionist that an interpreter, Loof Lirpa was due in court, so she put announcements over the reception tannoy. She put about 6 or 7 shouts out and was getting paniced as the court clerks were saying the adjudicator was getting angry at her no show before she realised the name was April Fool backwards... Ransomed one of the managers Sunderland coffe mug, locked it in the suggestion box in the staff room. Actually, we forgot to give him it back so it's still locked in there... Loads of joke emails flooding round the office and stuff like that. Was an ok day actually.
Got up this morning and they was a letter from the Cabinet Office. It had all the offical marking's on and letter head's. It then went on to say that I was hearby summoned on behalf of Her Majecty's Government to attend an examination for provisional enlistment into the British Armed Forces consripition roll. Then it told me where to go, what to bring, etc. I was really excited as I was really considering joining up the other day, then my mam and dad told me it was an April fools and I was quite dissapointed. They coulding believe it, they thought I would be crying or something, never the less they got me. I then took it into work and it fooled everyone I couldn't believe it. My boss nearly had a heart attack about me having to leave, he nearly killed me when I told him that I was joking. My brother had done it on the computer, it look's fucking brilliant. I'm going to get one done for one of my mate's and send it to him, should be a good laugh. I will bring it to Promise on Friday if anyone want's a look at it. Sorry if it has upset anyone concerning the war, never meant any harm in it.
Didnt see this yesterday. On my walk to work yesterday, I pressed every traffic light button I passed from the Haymarket (Newcastle) to approx. Gateshead Stadium. Not sure if this counts as I do it everyday
i asked the director of the charity i'm working for in india to ring the other people in the house and tell them we were being evacuated because of the war....if it wasnt my birthday today they still wouldnt be speaking to me hehe