AOL 1mb Connection I am wanting to upgrade my internet connection to 1mb. The cheapest I have found is AOL...£29.99 a month and there is NO limit!! Is AOL really as bad as some people make out?
Re: AOL 1mb Connection AOL are NOT as bad as ppl make out..... AOL are like Microsoft, every1 loves to hate them - but most dont know WHY they shud hate em...they jus do cos its the thing to do I used to use AOL for AGES because they were the only 1 I could get 24/7 free 0800 calls with when I was 56k user...they are not as bad as ppl say... Granted I would go with someone like Pipex if I had the choice as the service is a bit better, speeds etc... Soooooooo........ I would go with Pipex.....£33.99 for unlimited service..... Here
Re: AOL 1mb Connection I had to get telewest broadband installed because my aol kept freezing, the shop said aol and xp dont go together
Re: Re: AOL 1mb Connection nah - u can get aol workin in xp - shops just tell u owt to save them a headache ur better off withtelewest tho - cable modems r better than xdsl i think personally!
Re: Re: Re: AOL 1mb Connection But the internet kept freezing with aol, cable is much better, i now can watch porn at full speed, which is always a plus.
Re: Re: Re: AOL 1mb Connection Yeah I would rather have cable, but it's not in my area. I think i'm gonna go for the pipex service. One thing though, what the HELL is a "Current BT CBUK/BBIP code"???
Re: Re: Re: Re: AOL 1mb Connection Will av been a conflict somewhere... Still tho as u say cable is better - no messin about with anything - plug it in and its there......
Re: Re: Re: Re: AOL 1mb Connection Pipex r the mutts nuts like! 4. What is a CBUK number? All Broadband connections are assigned a unique reference number so that BT can identify a customer regardless of which provider they are with. This reference is called the CBUK number. It always begins with the letters CBUK followed by eight digits. For example "CBUK87654321". Most ISPs will give you this number on request. as for BBIP...fook knows!!!
indeed. they know sod all at the best of times, the operator will be frantically looking through their little notepad.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AOL 1mb Connection It is a hell of a lot faster, and it's there at a click. 56k used to take ages.
Looked to be a bit of a fanny on changing ISPs, so I have just stayed with BT! They were very reasonable with the deal to say the least 1mb here i come........ 1GB per day limit...nowt to worry about!!
why u gettin 1mbit then m8?? :spangled: :spangled: 1mbit gives u download speeds of around 130k/sec..... only takes a couple of hrs to reach 1gb remember....!!!
Gaming/Streaming etc. I don't download rediculous amounts of stuff but I like the stuff I do download to download very quickly Look at it in perspective..its like 8 long music sets.... A film and a half (of Kazaa...which is slow anyway) Loads of single mp3s.... I never come close to 1gb per day now, and im on 512k atm. Just want more speed.
1gb a day, wee that's well harsh, i thought i'd never do it so i got limit-free incase, i average about 4 gig a day if i leave bittorrent on