Anyway, on a lighter note....... It's fookin FRIDAY!! It's fookin PROMISE!! It's fookin RICH n CORVIN!!!! Can't wait to get there, see all me mates, catch up on the crack, soak up the vibe and the atmos, get me funk and me groove on, and generally have a fukkin MINT nite bonus points cos I've got mates up from Essex I ain't seen since bout May GET THE FUKK IN and not forgetting........ LETS FUKKIN HAVE IT PROMISE
Make sure u have a gud one hun. I want to know all about it tomorrow or there'll be trouble. I'm so depressed bout not being able to go, I think I'm gonna
simon you freak me out i was going to post a thread with exactly the same title, mad as fuck! i havent a clue what i was going to put in it though, prob not a relavant thing, but YEY its FRIDAY! get in, er.... im at bollocks.
sparky!!! i did know he was on!!! im not that silly well i am actually but its just that si neva mentioned him so i thought "hhhhmm perhaps he's cancelled n no-ones gone n told me yet" but as it goeshe does seem to be on tonite so yay!! see ya all there peeps!!! xxxx ooo n see ya 2nite sparks!!! xxx
have a good night everyone whos goin and pity me.. as i'm staying in with a pizza & video. i've got company though so it aint all that bad
awwwwwwwww awwwwah! wish i was out the night!!! I have the money but...... and don't mind paying the entre fee... i just wish the drinks were cheeper so i could get loads and get mortalised n be lush n warm when i leave instead of freezing.....!!!........ woops'a'daisy.... hope i have'nt said anything wrong....... i do love u promise just hmmmm i need to get more than 5 quid an hour!!!!!!
of course! now all i have to do is avoid be roped into watching a soppy chick flick.. i want guns, fighting, explosions, no plot i want a real mans movie.