Anything worth going to? Leaving this a bit late I know but its my birthday on the 28th feb and Im stuck for summit to do or sumwhere to go any idea's ppl? Oh by the way its me 21st... if that helps?
Re: Anything worth going to? ThundA feb 27th 6 till midnight mate genres that will be played will be hard house,hardstyle,hardcore,bouncey hard house classics ,bosh ,new gabba @egypt cottage line up melt (detox) bosh set james dub (classic bounce hh scratchism set) unit 13 (will go throw a few genres hh,ht,hs,hc) dj smurf ( G,G,M JUDGEMENT DAY, NEW GABBA SET) SHOULD GET YOUR SELF DOWN MATE WILL BE EVIL AS FOOK
you just wanna relive that moment from about 5 years ago fella dont ya?!?! Basically, we were at a foam party n some bird in amongst the foam came onto Lee (Chase) who was probs about 16 y/o, looked well fit so he went for it, only for about 10 mins later, after already agreein to go back to hers, she wiped the foam off her face, n she was about 40!!!!!
Re: Anything worth going to? You're so lucky- you share your birthday with me. And I'm also going to be 21 (I wish!) I'm not doing owt for my bday as off to Gods the following Saturday but if I were you, I'd go to Smile for some nice house music (unless you hate house....) If you like banging Hard House etc, Sunddissential North is on in Sheffield this Sunday.
Central Soundsystem (Wax:On) playing exclusive first ever bar set this Sunday at Clear. Best in electro, hip-hop, breakbeat and house. All free