Anyone!!!!!! Any of you guys saving ya selfs for YoJi??????? AnD dOeS AnYoNe KnOw whaTs hApPenInG WiTh ThE TeMpLaTeS FoR thE pAsSeS???????:angel: :angel: :angel:
Re: Anyone!!!!!! i'm at yoji!!! r u kelly who was at the arena with amy? if so hello there it's ruth!! spnnered lass with that piercing!! dunno, i'll ask spud when he appears on line!!!
saving yourself? its a week off! why save yourself? dont be soft.....this firday will be class...MIKE is a genious...
i'm very skint this week & i'm at work on sat!! otherwise i'd b there cos i ain't seen m.i.k.e yet.......
YES!! YES I AM IS THAT RUTH?????? If it is then hiya hunny how are ya???????? Kinda missed are spangled cHATS!!!!!!!1:spangled: :spangled:
Re: YES!! ola hun!!! not to worry spangled chats to b had at yogi bear....promise i won't go on bout the piercing too much!!!
boo im workin on the passes, calm urself im just a little overworked atm, so im tryin to fit it in amongst tons of other shit im doin... dont worry, it will be done. :groovy:
*looks into crystal ball...* :groovy: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... *sees..... erm... Crystal... * yip, you are correct in your answer :groovy:
did u know in the book Angela's Ashes, the lad Frank McCourt used the term excitement to describe a hard on…