Anyone want GK tickets? Basically ive been let down by a couple of people that were gonna buy tickets off me. Said they definately would and decided today that they wouldnt. So ive got two spare and need shot of them. If anyone wants them or knows of anyone that might, they can have them for what i paid for them (£30.50) cos im not tryin to make a profit or anything. Could probs get more for them if i tried to sell them ouside on Saturday but i cant be arsed with that and i thought id offer them to all you nice friendly Promise people first. Send me a pm if yer interested.
If this party falls threw on Sat I'll have one please! 100%%%%%%% will I...thats an IF mind!:spangled:
ben i know how much u wanna go, so i dont mind love! if was the other way round u wud want me 2 go, so feel free.... i will see ya on fri and sunday so tis ok
Sally is going with Paula & Co. I dont think I can be arsed! Ibiza & GC Bday has burned me out! May go tho.......
Armins on......... U will be there - if ya dont go then how are ya gonna class yaself as a Maxer or Cainer - lmfao
What a sad twat? Iv seen Armin twice in the last three weeks and Im afraid with the death of trance I dont want to hear his desparate struggle at a set (Good tho he is). Picotto's on like... there is a chance!
Right ive gone a full circle now. From having 2 tickets too many i am now 1 ticket short. Its a long story which i will wxplain below. But if anyone has 1 to sell please PM me. Basically i sold 1 ticket early this morning and then i thought id sold the other, but because it was a bf/gf (aka a couple!) wanting them, they have now decided they wont go unless the other has a ticket. Very infuriating. So either i find 1 other ticket and they both get to go, or i dont find one and that means i still have 1 to spare. Confused? I know i am.