Anyone lost..... dark green interstate long sleeved t-shirt pink ted baker hoodie red peter storm fleece white lacy thong cos i've found em while tidying up
Thank god!!! Theres some rather incriminating evidence in there!! You been doing your spring cleaning? Thats what I did on sunday, i still havnt baked my cakes tho! Gizmo x
Re: Re: Anyone lost..... actually I think it's rozz's, but saying as u claimed it u can have it Rob...... don't think they're clean though u still want?
Re: Re: Re: Anyone lost..... how u know they aint clean then si m8 ???? or they that unclean they r crawlin about the room ????
Re: Re: Anyone lost..... Nah! Could have sworn it was mine! But if u insist, im sure with the winter coming up soon they will keep you nicely warm and covered
you just get a nice warm feeling with them on and Rob, you can sell soiled thongs for much more than clean ones, big trade for em on certain internet sites!