Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? Whos going anywhere this summer? I ve just booked trip to South Africa for 3 weeks, not as long as i want to go, but i need to get some money together before uni... But i cant fuckin wait
Re: Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? That sounds nice m8. Me and me lass are gonna get a week away in. Probably the first week of July. Looking like Spain or summit!
Re: Re: Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? Spain is wicked, try go to Barcelona though, way nicer than Madrid!
Re: Re: Re: Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? I quite like the look of Barcelona m8. I want a very relaxing holiday!
me and my bird were going to a week away on the bike but thanks to a bunch charvs that isnt going to be possible
Re: Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? bugger... worked in a bar in new york last summer for 5 months.. this summer, its looking like pontins... does anyone know any decent summer job websites for europe? i really cant be fuct hanging around in this grey shithole for 4 months...
hunt em, n shoot em, that’s well bad, I d go on the fuckin rampage, and would be plotting revenge on the largest order…
Just greece for a few weeks with me lass & family!!!, be nice to get away from here eventually!!!!!, need a break!!!! :chill: :chill: :chill:
Re: Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? nice one doggie. im heading of 2 ibiza in the summer with miller, craig vernine and mad chris, and i think others r planing to go, ive arranged a BBQ/pissup a couple of weeks b4 we go, get to know everyone b4 we cause total fuckin havoc on that island, and ive got a bird on the go 2 nite, so my lucks changing 4 the better, later my friend
I'm going to Cornwall in the summer I think, was really good relaxing holiday last year so I'm looking forward to it! I am planning to go to Amsterdam in May and Tenerife at the back end of the year if I can.
Monthly residency @ Fashion, Kancela, Ibiza. Weekly if I want it, but due to my financial status, monthly, or possibly fortnightly atm
Re: Anyone got anything sorted for the summer? Malia will do me, i know its shit, but its all the money i got. if i had money, i think id be going to Australia.