Anyone ever kept piranha's? Wouldn't mind getting myself a pet but don't want anything too troublesome. Fish are always easy to deal with an interesting to watch and I wouldn't mind getting myself one with teeth
A fish that is nasty as fuck, can breath out of water and will jump out of a tank scares the shit out of me. Wouldn't be able to sleep in the same room as one of them
[ame=""]YouTube - snakehead vs Big ass 10 inch bass[/ame]
My mate keeps snakes, lost his twice, found it on top of him when he was asleep staring at him 1st time & behind his fire the 2nd time - fuck that. Anything that comes from a jungle should never be kept in 2ft cage or tank in west denton
I couldn't keep a snake or a lively reptile cos I'd feel cruel keeping them in a small enclosure. If I was rich though..
i had 2 red bellies years ago. as far as fish go they're the most fun to watch. you've gotta get all the proper set up for them, just go to an aquatics centre and they should sort you out, word of warning tho - the water conditioning shit you need to get the water right for them is really fucking expensive, not to mention you need a decent size tank for them as well. also fully grown red's can cost anything between 60-100 quid, however the babies only cost about 2.50 but the chances of an individual fish surviving from baby is very slim, so buy 10, thats what i did and only 2 of them saw it to adulthood (they have a tendancy of trying to eat eachother) after that the two that were left were class when fully grown - you could chuck literally anything into the tank and they would demolish it. mine used to love fish fingers and bernard matthews turkey ham (obv you've gotta feed them properly as well as feeding them shite as well ) good pets, however had to sell everything because i was moving house and sold them for 110 quid to a bloke living near me, couldent really complain in the end.
and NEVER even joke about putting your hand in the tank. NEVER. an old school friend of mine had some at the same time as me, had the top of the tank open.....well lets just say he used to have a cat.
There's various kinds you can get. Some grow massive (up to about 18" fucking hell), and some cannot be kept with other fish unless you want an Ultimate Piranha Fight Night on your hands. What kind of conditioning stuff do you need to do? I know the PH has to be balanced, and the temperature needs to be kept decent and the filter system needs to be pretty good due to the shite that these fella's produce (and they like a 'current' within the water too apparently. I was hoping this kinda thing would be a buy once, use a lot kind of thing. Do you have to constantly buy new stuff? I read about them earlier on but since then i've also read about 100 other things. Those axolotl's look like some chirpy little guys too, although totally different personalities to a piranha..
yeah, well he was a posh cunt with a fuck off huge tank and had the parents buy him 5 fully grown ones, the cat fell in the tank and was pulled out a bit too late - apparently the injuries sustained killed the poor thing. leg hanging off the lot.... horrific. yeah well it's quite expensive to set up initially but after that its just a case of feeding them, i mean you can use live or dead stuff or even just chicken, but depending on the amounts it can be expensive - but i was only 15 at the time so it didnt cost me anything when they were adults i was going to the butchers and asking for all the offcuts and shite for dead cheap, freezing them and using that as feed when i needed it - most of it was lean as well, but since they eat anything with blood in them they dont really care. fatty stuff is a no go for obvious reason etc etc.
his tank was near identical to this [ame=""]YouTube - piranhas vs bullhead[/ame] proper evil cunts like
do a search on OSCARS i used to have 2 so intelligent they used to be like dogs, getting excited when u came in the house. meat eaters too if u want them to be but without teeth, lovely fishys... fish take some looking after steer clear of piranhas or snakes or you will look like you have a small penis and confidence problems