Anyone done a masters or want to? How much do these babies set you back? Just got an email about one starting September. Looking at getting a really bad mark for honours degree so feel I might need this (if they'll allow people with expected thirds)
Re: Anyone done a masters or want to? in this day and age its very favourable to get one, cos theres laods of people with honours degrees. im sure the one at sunderland studying artificiat intelligence or networking gave you money while you were studying it or somet. theyre only a year so i think they cost about £1k
Depending on what degree you're doing you may be able to get a company to 'sponsor' you. I.e. pay a certain amount of your costs on the basis you work for them for a certain number of years once you've got the masters. To be honest though it may be a struggle if you're expecting a third, but worth a try if you're committed to it.
you can't do a masters unless you get a 2:1, it was like that at my uni anyway, i didn't do one cause i didn't want to get myself into any more debt.
just finishing mine now, set me back the same as my degree in total and I got offered two jobs 4 months before I've even finished it, which more than made up for the initial outlay.. fortunatley theres a huge gap for skilled graduates in my subject area so I got lucky... don't bother doing one unless the uni your thinking of is red brick or is well respected professionally as a centre of excellence in that subject area.. or the course will lead to a job and a job you actually want to do... don't do one for the sake of it in other words!
I looked into doing a MA in Journalism. but the course cost about £3k and there was no funding available. PLus it was pretty much 24/7 for a year so working alongside it would have been tough. When I asked the uni how most people funded themselves through MAs they advised me to a) re-mortgage my house or B) live off my partner for a year though c) go on the game seemed a more sensible option. Best thing to do is look at how your chosen career selects job candidates - do they always consider theoretical based learning a good thing or do they value experience?
PS you pretty much needed a 1st or min 2:1 to do a Masters at my uni and it certainly wasn't a red-brick establishment. PPS Am I right in thinking with a 1st in yuor BA you can skip your MA and go straight on to PhD?
That is correct, yes. My Masters didnt cost me anything because I got a bursary and my tuition fees paid. That's because there is a national shortage of Social workers so they're paying folk to do the course. My Masters has been bloody hard work but I'm very glad I did it. We needed at least a 2:1 to get onto the course though...
I'm in the middle of doing my MSc now... Cost £3500, I didn't get any assistance with paying it (which is the norm unless it's in an area in which people are short like Georgina's), and the fees can be a lot more depending on subject.
I only got a 2:2 at degree but had a strong application so I got on mine so don't belive the prospectus in other words, if they can make 3.5k out of you, they will.. we got £9k bursaries courtesy of mr prescott on our course but thanks to an admin fuck up I missed out :evil: you don't even need a first or masters to do a PhD, its whatever's on offer..
2 years post grad at law school cost me *cough parents* - £18k fees and then probably another £10k on top living expenses. my bursary was peanuts.. not for those with shallow pockets.