Anybody using ProtoWall? What a pain in the ring this is to install!! Any info? The help file has me totally confused!!
Think of it this way: if you worked as a police officer (for example), and you were investigating criminals, and you wanted to follow them around discreetly, watch what they are doing, sit outside their house watching them through the window with a pair of binoculars, doing all you can to gather evidence until you have enough to arrest them, but being as unnoticeable, as discreet, as undercover as possible - Would you do it in a shiny uniform with a great big black tit on your head? Of course not - you'd be plain clothes and undercover... See what I'm getting at? Who's to say that the MPAA aren't round my flat sitting at my pc with me right now, drinking a cuppa and watching my downloads. Or at any home pc, not in peerguardians or protowalls list of blocked IPs. Waste of time.