Anybody pissed off with no more Men & Motors on Freeview? Read! I have sky so i dont care but my dad was not pleased, so i thought I would give ITV some well constructed grief...and this is what they had to say: "We are in receipt of your email and comments. From the 19th April, ITV Play took the currently being used by Men and Motors on Freeview. Men and Motors will continue to broadcast astrong schedule on Sky, Telewest and NTL. ITV has limited capacity on the Freeview platform and we have to take decisions based upon the capacity available. In this instance we believe ITV Play represents the best commercial use of this capacity on DTT." Well I think tahts bollocks!! ITV Play is absolutey SHITE. Just like those other gash game show channels that NOBODY WATCHES. Fools. ITV are also giving gash coverage of the world rally championship too, so i gave them some grief about that while i was on a roll... "We are sorry to hear that you are not happy with ITV's coverage of theWorld Rally Championship and your comments have been logged on our DailyDuty Log which is seen by all senior management within ITV." Which of course translates as..."I dont give a shit, nobody cares, deal with it." GO me
yeah those fucking quiz fucking games do my head in there on about a spazillion different channels now:evil: :evil:
they make massive revenue for the company - simple as. Just like the other reality tv shows and their "phone in to vote" scams was listening to Radio 4 the other day, apparently all those type of channels are under review. the questions are either too easy "what type of animal is the easter bunny? a)rabbit b) fish etc" in which case it's a lottery or there's a million possible answers. basically they're not Quiz's - but a lottery. Hence if u try ring, it makes it SEEM like they're waiting for callers, they're not, it's a random phone line selector for you to get thru. yes, i listen to radio 4 a lot.
Re: Re: Anybody pissed off with no more Men & Motors on Freeview? Read! Oh yes ManOf - Bang on, they arn't arsed about the viewers they screw over, it's just the fat cats lining their pockets. I said in my reply that I hope it faces a similar fate to On: Digital and that their bandwagon jumping will not have a lasting appeal I should be a lawyer or something. Geek Law