If I come, I am NOT goin in cyber! I aint sure mate, might be a lil strapped for cash. Frenchie'll go with ya!
most definitley yes!! jules is on so am definitley definitley goin plus me reeli wants to see Nu Nrg aswell!! shoudl be a good nite me reckons!! xxx
nah armin and ferry r on the 31st! would go but wanna c nu nrg and im totally skint with hols to pay for and all that!
was gunna go but thinkin of goin to good greef in manc for eddie, the tidy boys and rob tissera which kicks crashers stale line up in the face
yeah that would be some night at goodgreef. not going to be able to afford any nights away to crasher or anything until after Ibiza in july sadly. what is the total line-up for GG just out of interest.
that is pretty much the line up for the main room i think...a few of the lesser known good greef DJ's are playin including a mate of ours called richard booth who is the fookin dogs bollox and the only DJ at the moment (other than the tidy boys) who is worth paying good money to see! eddie is also playing a funky set in, funnily enough the funky room which could be worth checking out bring back bouncey eddie though i say...his recent sets at sundiss have been fookin ace...better than all the shite trancey sets he keeps playin at promise and crasher
nu-nrg jules guy ornadel matt hardwick nick riley johan gielen and someone else but i cant remember think thats it anyways...
crasher should be class on the 25th like really want to see gielen at GC again! not to mention a live set by nu nrg sounds canny me fink!!
trancey trance trance however its advertised as 'nu-nrg live' so perhaps they might just be performing there own tunes with computers and keyboards n stuff, or it could just be a plain old DJ set...