Any mountain bikers here? Just wondering? Need to buy me a bike, and not sure whether to go second hand, build one myself, or buy one ready made?
be a mixture really, x-country, downhilling, nothing super serious, but i wont be using it just to piddle about from home to uni.. sorta lookin at £600-700ish... basically it will get a good hammering up n down the country got a marin palisades trail atm, but its had its day, and i wouldnt mind a bike with just front forks, no rear shock
i was thinking along the lines of merlin frame, lx/xt groupset... thats about it, havent kept up with wheels, forks etc. for about 4 years now... but ta for help, do u know much about putting a bike together, cos i reckon i can do most, bar the gears, oh and i wont have tools, and i ll be fucked if im paying a fortune to get someone else to do it for me
mmm...specialized! Ain't looked at new bikes for ages, had mine for two year or something. But I reckon something from specialized would do nicely! Picked this one here But theres a few other models with just front folks which you'll be able to find. MY choice would be this little baby, ain't that much ££ but its not really what your looking for!
I spent just ovber £1000 building my bike up from scratch and hurt my back after only using it for a year, 4 years down the line and its prob only worht about £300 at the most, and i only piddle around on roads now and even thats a rare occurence nowadays. My advice is to go 2nd hand and make sure the bike has the best frame and forks as poss, you can upgrade the groupset bit by bit at a reletively low cost as you need it. If the frame looks battered make sure you check is straight and that the welds on it are sound to.
thats the most likely line i was goin to take... only thing is choosing between all the bikes in MBUK or wherever, without trying it out first, or even seeing it.
Will def be cheaper putting it together yourself, I myself wouldn't be too confident. Would give it ago to make someone elses bike though! Depends, if you want something that doesn't appear on the market then you would have to build it yourself or have it made etc. But if you were just going to build same model, have same specs as something you could buy in local shop would just be easier buying like that. ...?!?...:spangled:
Yeah thats pretty risky, ask in some MBing shops as they some times get trade ins off people who have upgraded or when you see a bike go to a shop that stocks that make/model (if still in production). If you ask real nice and look like you'l buy they will most probably let you test ride the bike.
apart from Hardisty's in Byker and Denton Cycles are they re any decent bike shops in newcastle? Argos doesnt count