Anti-War When did anti-war become pro Iraq? Got off the bus @ Haymarket today only to be greeted by anti-war protesters waving Iraqis flags.
Its a disgrace!!! we should put a helmet on them and send them to the frontline!!!! What the fuck are the protesting about! The guys in the gulf are paid to fight!! why would you join the army and not be prepared to go to war???!!! The Anti war idiots should get a fucking clue!! Who the fuck is gonna listen to a load of crustys and pre pubescent " im making this a better world for my children" cocks!!!!!!
Seeing the Iraq flag being waved in Newcastle, brought back memories of last years world cup. Can anyone else remember Newcastle City Council warning its employees not to show any support for England's world cup bid?
well said!!! i was in toon the other sat & they were protesting outside of luckies.........sum of these kids looked barely out of junior school!!! its disgusting.........i'm sure they'd sharp twist if there was a terror attack over here if nothing had been done in iraq.........
Yeah tis annoying, kids thinking themselves all grown up, and trying to act it too, I never used to do that, I still don’t Kids go n play in the park like u re supposed to! Try acting your age! not triple your shoe size!
if they wrere pro iraq, surely they would be pro war? u would think so wouldnt you? cos its for iraq's benefit that the war is happening?