Another Week Of Trance

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kuffdam, Mar 10, 2003.

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  1. Kuffdam


    Feb 20, 2003
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Another Week Of Trance

    Whaooooo now this is what you call a busy week of shows....

    Well we have crammed as much as we could into the following week for you and heres how things shape up down at

    Monday 10th - Kuffdam's Trance Show Live 8-10pm GMT

    Tuesday 11th - DJ Irish Live From Sweden 8-10pm GMT / UltraFusion Live 10-11pm GMT

    Wednesday 12th - Ben Lost (Lost Language) Exclusive Set 7-9pm GMT / Wicked Neo Live 9-11pm GMT

    Thursday 13th - Gareth Emery (GTR) Exclusive Mix 9-11pm GMT

    Friday 14th - Goldenscan Exclusive Mix 8-10pm GMT

    Saturday 15th - OnePhatDJ Mix Show 8-10pm GMT

    Sunday 16th - Project T's Request Show 8-9pm GMT / Public Domain's Power Mix 10-11pm GMT

    We have also launched a brand new exclusive competition thanks to DJ Perales.
    Perales is giving away 2 copies of his brand new trance mix from Media records and for your chance to win just visit for more info.

    Don't forget we also have a 24hour stream with some of the best mixes
    and tracks from the world of trance playing right now.....

    Thanks all

    TAW Team
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