Annoying things strangers do I have found myself freaking out in shops if I am in a queue and a stranger behind stands too close to me, this afternoon in morrisons a bloke was standing that close to me I could actually feel him breath on my neck :sick: it freaks me out to the point where I could throw up!! Does anyone else get this or is it me thats the freak
You should try being out with our work lot, there's a bloke on our team who goes up to lasses and sniffs their hair when he's drunk. Proper potential rapist material.
old people who suddenly stop when theyre walking infront of you. when someone's walking towards you, and they blatantly see you and make no effort to sidestep slightly so you dont bang your shoulders together...i just walk into them and say "well you blantantly saw me so..."
I would swill him if he done that to me, I hate people invading my personal space, especially strangers!!!
The old STOP-DEAD-IN-MIDDLE-OF-BUSY-HIGH-STREET while im walking right behind them is my personal fave. Actually, coming close up in second is people (usually women) who wait UNTIL they are told how much something is in a shop (with a big queue) BEFORE they go through the process of digging into their bag, slowly pulling out a wallet, before fishing through 10 or so credit cards and then slowly handing the card to the clerk.......... I'm standing behind them, either in a bad mood or busting for a piss and literally touching cloth wanting to get out of the shop as soon as possible and this happens! I'm standing there, pikey solo card in hand before the person on the checkouts has even finished scanning my goods. Perfect customer.
what annoys me is mostly in shops not in the street, is a group of people who decide to stand and talk in the middle of where everyone is walking and will not move when they obviously see people walking around till i come along and quite litrally just walk into the middle of them and start talking to them, they soon relise they cant hack it and disperse
People who blatently get dressed in the dark! Clueless dress sense fuckers! Twats with dogs off-the-leed in kids parks People who smoke over kids prams/buggies Nose pickers people who stare far to much Dumb lasses in their pyjamas, rip-off Ug boots or luminous leg warmers young little twats in the gym who hog the machines or prance about flexing their toy guns
yeah dogs off leads is a good one and ill say the same for parents letting there kids run riots on paths where i ride me bike fast and not put them to one side to let people go past.
not just when im riding but when i go running people with there dogs all over the path and not cleaning the shit up, on sevral occasions i have kicked dogs hard that get in my way and shouted at the owners and also on many occasions seen owners walk away from when there dog shits to question them and make em pick it up, if they refuse i have no problem getting a bag and giving them it
Market day in Stockton today, it's the day all the wierdo's and freaks and scum come out and clog up the highstreet making it impossible to walk more than 5 yards without someone stopping right in front of you or stepping out infront when your walking along. You have to watch out for all the skanks who let their kids run wild or you'll knee one in the head without realizing.
The purse thing at the checkout does me in too. People who just chuck litter even when there is a bin next to them. people who sit in the middle lane on motorways even when the inside lane is empty. people who do exaggerated coughing around smokers. pissed up people who wanna fight. health and safety officers. car park attendants. metro inspectors. traffic wardens. and fucking bouncers
The fucking public in general is just horrible. Mostly though, people in supermarkets. Stopping in the middle of the aisle for a natter with someone they'll probably see tomorrow, pushing in front at the checkout (one old woman the other day actually moved her stuff from one conveyor belt to the next just to get served a fraction quicker even though she'd already unloaded it!), people who take ages paying, or spend time deliberating when they're advised at this stage that something is on BOGOF.. I could go on.
I have no choice unless i want to starve at work jimbo. I have to walk down the high street to get to a sandwich shop.
take a packed lunch, theres always ways around it, i think deep down you like to go and spot the ugly one, and feel great when your back at work after your sarnie knowing you are better then them
Ooh, yes. I'm living in town at the moment so get a lot of people walking by late at night, and always got the window open.. seriously, about 1 person every 10 minutes does a great big HHHOOOCCCCKKKK! then spits, dirty bastards.
Not so much strangers, well I suppose they are as I dont know them but THE FUCKING STAFF AT THE HSBC AT MONUMENT IN TOWN !! I actually moved banks because of these useless ''advisors'' !! Fuck, there must be about 10-15 of them just wandering about downstairs then another 5 upstairs and one women on the kiosk!! The que for the kiosk is always a mile long and these fuckers just swan about asking people if they need help,, aye get on the fucking till and make this que go down!! The most counter-productive waste of time I have ever experienced!! And that little fucker with clip-board when you walk in,, its his sole job to tell you there is a 15 wait,, I can see there is a fucking wait Ahmed the bastard que is out the door Moved to halifax, about twenty tills and one women ''advisor'' jobs a good-un (Rant over)