Angry God I'm so pissed off, just goes to show how fucking backward my University is, they have arranged an end of term/leaving/end of exams party, fair enough sounds good, loads of fun and games, drinking etc to be had, only to look at the date, the nigth before my final exam :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Re: Re: Angry I'm the last one to finish so half of my mates will already have fucked off by then back to where they're from as it is, I gotta put up with them all finishing on the 2nd then going out getting ratarsed and I'm gunna be stuck in till the 8th revising :cry2:
Re: Re: Re: Angry ahh Hun that sucks! Just think of all the partying though when they are over all together!
The ball was last month and I didn't go. I'm sure I'll get into a drunken mess anyway, least I've always got the night of graduation to go out, even then mine is the last one
Hey don't blame me I'll have my very own rackcam tomorrow, can't wait, although I hope it comes on Saturday so I can play with it
Re: Angry Don't worry about it. I got extreeeeeeeeemly pissed the night before my first A level, and I got passed, which just proves that alcohol improves your performance Don't blame me if it all goes horribly wrong though