Anger! GRR :evil: :evil: GRR how cum, when people get angry, they dont take it out on the person/people/computer thats making them angry, they take it out on their friends and collegues and girlfriends? come on, take a deep breath you angry people! say it with me now...Goos-fra-ba...Goos-fra-ba so...why dont we take it out on the things that are making us angry? why do we shout at everyone else, even tho theyre usually just trying to help?
Re: Re: Anger! I'm only angry cos sum little blue haired gimp is taking out all his anger on me! *everyone at work is screwing me over, so instead of talking to them about it or going to the big boss, ill shout and scream at my girlfriend instead, that will make us all feel better* ****
Maybe this blue hair gimp should realise for all his ability he has only been in the job 2 weeks & should wait a month or 2 before getting angry.
im half way thru my placement and im still on 'filler' work.. whilst the other placement kids have something to show...
Maybe they know how well your Quality flyers worked Your a potential liability, play it cool man & they will let you use your crayons soon enuff
theyve seen the flyers - fuck off you can rip the twisted ones apart soon enuf... nah its just getting to me atm how the other lads getting praised all the time while ive got nothing to do most of the day..
it's well shit when u have nowt to do all day...specially when everyone in the office is really patronising and irritating as well :evil:
plus the work i get to do.. in the end isnt very impressive to look at at the end of the week... web banners/page graphics/etc.... when the other guy has a flash project to be getting on with.. etc.... zzzzzzzzz