A break up in the fourth set now. If he pulls this one off, its a much bigger win than the last one. Despite their similar rankings, Nalbandian is a better player than Stepanek.
Oops! Another one bites the dust.... that's the alst we hear on Wimbledon for this year then... gd gd!
His fitness levels are shockingly poor. Guess he just has to go away and work at that now, because he has the game to do well.
shame about fitness but give him ayear to work on that and he can beat anyone... WELL DONE MURRAY even getting to 3rd round was an amazing achievment
Needs to put on at least a stone, maybe more of bulk muscle. I'm not sure about him yet. I hope he isn't one of these spoilt pricks who starts limping about when he starts getting beat.
Grass is not his favoured surface, so I think he performed impecibally well.... his fitness was shocking!!! 18 he is.... shouldn't be that unfit surely!
i wudn't say that mind, he just got too dispondent when it didn't go his way...showed his youth & in experience but still played good tennis!