myspace is far better like, i just seem to gan on moybook more now, seems more people have it, and its good for perving on ex's
Myspace isn't stunk up with crappy apps though. Granted that your average Myspace user makes use of disgusting css style sheet layouts on their profile however. Used to be on both, but now I don't use either. They do to your brain what sweets do to your teeth.
myspace can look awful, facebook has add-on's that really get on your tits. if you decide to pull the plug on myspace, see ya! if you decide to pull the plug on facebook, good luck! i hate both, but prefer myspace, it seems less childish (i am not, nor do i want to be a vampire) imo
Canny blunt, French. I work with people who sit all day on Facebook fiddling with their bloody apps. I think they can be rather addictive. I know the argument could be used that I am no better using a forum site in work time, but still.
i hate the apps on facebook, i'd love to see them stopped..but it wont happen as alot of them will have revenue attached i was doing a bit of perving the othe rweek and there was one lass whos profile had so many apps, it actually crashed my browser. come to think of it i may try again now that i have a new pc
I did it... i finally succumbed (basically i wanted to perve on old school lasses etc).... Then i got spammed with shitloads of INVITE FOR PRETEND PARTY!! ACCEPT ACCEPPT. ARE YOU A PORNSTAR.. ACCEPPPTT!.. .PPLAY SHIT POKEERR.. ACCEPPT! Its living up to my expecations of being wank like! Knew i would get owned once i did that
i dont get the joke, but i have never met you, but must say you look like a smack rat like i mean this in the nicest possible way