And you think your life is bad, spare a thought for poor cow Trisha I was reading a magazine yesterday and it has a column about Trisha and how she turned to ecstacy to combat depression and I can see why...... Her first husband died from Aids Her second husband had an affair with 1 of her work mates Her sister was schitoprehic (however you spell it) and committed suicide Trisha was then admitted into a mental hospital .........Then came to work for ITV Poor cow, looks like she really does know what she's talking about when she gets up on her high horse
well, at least she's got the background to host her show.... she's been there got the wig and everything... wasn't this mornings show called "Secrets Revealed : My schitzophrenic sister was on E when slept with my husband, gave him aids, killed him then had me committed!" ?
Wow, and I thought she was just being a partonising cow to her guests with all her been there, done that stories. Just goes to show... lol What a do find funny though is that only a few months ago I was watching it one morning and she was telling her guests that only losers use drugs, and whaddya know? tricia turns out to be a loser. I never would have guessed