Amnesia Saw Ben Elton last night and then hit mushroom bar. I was sure I got the taxi home after that but couldn't remember at all. I've just been told I was in digital and don't remember a fucking thing about it. I am both shocked and amazed that I have no recollection at all of my first time at Wax on. I'm still unsure as to whether I went or not, I never get memory blocks that bad.
Deffinitely I can't believe I've been going to these evil dance music clubs all this time and still haven't been spiked with geebee.
Update: I was also at Gotham Town and Camp David. I do not remember that at all, apparetly I was outside Gotham Town banging on the window because I couldn't get back in and was trying to open the fire exit. This is obviously what happens when you try and keep up with Spence and Foster.
i can remember going for a 'quick drink' to the chilly arms with spence... next thing i know im in the goose watching newcastle getting beat off sporting lisbon before spending a nervous few hours in idols getting chatted up by some horror, how i got home i'll never remember
was the spence wearing a chunky gold chain that would of turned mr t green with envy? I saw some plump chav eyeballing me in wax on, he looked like the spence and had some premier league bling.
I wish my boss would take all of us there for work night oyut...Infact I wish he would take us ANYWHERE! We don't get them