Re: american pie band camp from the sleeve ive seen it dosent look as if its got any of the usual charecters in other than the dad ???
No it's not! It's the 4th american pie and the other 3 were much better. This one is about Stifflers brother and is funny sometimes but it's just pointless calling it american pie and having none of the main characters in it. It's totally seperated from the other 3 and u can't help thinking that the whole way through. I just finished watching it about 10mins ago. 7/10 as a film 4/10 as an American pie film
Yes it is. How is it seperated from the other 3? It's about one of the main characters kid brother being a tosser at school so getting sent away to band camp, which features heavy in american pie.
How isnt it? None of the main characters from the other films are in this one! The only link it has is the fact that it's Stifflers brother. 'The dad' plays the role of 'the macro' at the band camp this time around and his son isn't anywhere to be seen. He serves no purpose in these films unless he actually acts as the dad imo. The 'Shermanator' makes 2 appearences as the head teacher of the school or something at the start and end of the film and that's the lot. This could easily pass off as any other teen movie if the main character wasn't called Stifflers brother.